9th International Inter University Scientific Meeting
Academy of Studenica

Organizer: Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica, Serbia and Montenegro
President: Prof.Dr. Vladimir Vit. Baltiæ Vice-presidents:
Prof. Dr Milan Breberina, Prof. Dr. Zoran Krivokapiæ
ISSN 1450-708

6 /2003
Trifunoviæ J, Salma S, Nikolin B, Kukiæ B.
Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia and Montenegro
In Western countries metastases are the most frequent liver tumors and metastatic liver disease appears 18 to 20 times more often than primary carcinoma. Approximately one third of all primary malignant tumors, including colorectal cancer, metastasize in liver. The aim of our study was to determine the importance of ultrasonography and needle biopsy findings in diagnostic evaluation of liver metastases. Our study included 34 patients with ultrasonography suspected metastatic lesions in liver. Evaluation criteria included size, number, contours and echostructure of metastatic lesions in liver. Echostructure, being the most important parameter for the evaluation of metastases, comprised of a number of echogenic types. All parameters related to the metastatic appearance in liver were correlated to primary tumor. Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy was done in case of 19 patients, and the obtained findings were correlated to ultrasonography findings and final diagnosis of primary tumor. Patients were classified according to the site of primary tumor. The most frequent primary tumors with verified metastases were colorectal and breast cancer; pancreatic carcinoma, malignant melanoma, gastric cancer and lymphoma were also found. Differential diagnosis of suspect metastatic lesions in liver confirmed two liver hemangiomas also.Single, multiple and diffuse liver metastases of various shapes, contours and echostructure were ultrasonographically verified. Ultrasonography image of liver metastases was described as a target-type lesion, hyperechogenic or hypoechogenic lesion, calcification, cystiform lesions, and other types of mixed echogenicity. Hypergenic metastases and target-type lesions were the most frequent sonographic images of liver metastases due to colorectal cancer, but other echostructures were also found. Ultrasonography is important and usually sufficient for the diagnosis of liver metastases. In majority of patients ultrosonography image of metastasis is enough for making decision about the type of tumor. Metastases of some tumors are often characterized with a particular ultrasound echostructure. However, the analysis of the correlation between ultrasonography imaging of metastasis and primary tumor leads to the conclusion that a definite and reliable correlation actually does not exist.
  Keywords: Colorectal cancer, Liver metastases, Ultrasonography  
© Academy of Studenica, 2003