10th International Inter University Scientific Meeting
Academy of Studenica

Organizers: Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica; Union of Cancer Prevention
Societies of Vojvodina, Novi Sad; Clinic of Oncology, Nis; Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade Center for Bioengineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade

President: Vladimir Baltic Vice-presidents: Zlata Janjic, Radan Dzodic, Borislava Nikolin; Djuro Koruga
ISSN 1450-708

7 /2004
Nikolin B.

Institute of oncology Sremska Kamenica, Clinic for internal oncology, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia and Montenegro
Early recognition and prompt excision of primary cutaneous melanoma is the course of action most likely to improve the patients survival prospects. If cutaneous melanoma is diagnosed when it is a level I or "in situ" the cure rate is close to 100%. It is difficult to achieve this by direct personal experience, because although the incidence of melanoma is increasing rapidly, no individual has a great experience unless they work in a specialist center. The incidence of melanoma is steadily increasing, at a faster rate then any other human cancer, infect it is doubling in almost all parts of the world over a 10 years period. Thin melanoma (less than 1 mm thickness) has been particularly marked in parts of the world where intensive public and professional early detection education programmes have been carried out. Extreme need to improve early diagnosis leads as to digital epiluminescence microscopy (skin surface microscopy, dermoscopy).
Early detection and diagnosis is probably the most critical factor accounting for the increase in overall survival of patients with melanoma during the past few decades. The checklists of value, ABCDE's (asymmetry, border, color, diameter, elevation, surrounding tissue) and Glasgow system are a useful reminder of the clinical warning signs of melanoma, although early melanoma may lack these signs.
Digital epiluminescence microscopy (DELM) or dermoscopy, is an in-vivo nonivasive diagnostic technique of image analysis with computer technology for efficient data storage and retrieval, that may improve the clinical diagnostic capabilities for early melanoma. The principle behind this technique is the examination of the pigmented skin lesion (PSL) in vivo on the body surface at moderate magnifications of x10 to x40, in such a way that color and structure in the epidermis, dermoepidermal junction and papillary dermis become visible, witch is not possible with the naked eye or typical magnification used by clinicians. The use of dermoscopy does allow to decrease the number of excised benign PSL compared to standard clinical examination. Significant improvement in diagnosis of melanoma with 10 to 27% is achieved by training and experience dermoscopy, comparing clinical examination alone. Allowing visualization of subsurface colors and structures this potentially life-saving technique is accepted as a gold standard in diagnostic of cutaneous melanoma. DELM is not only useful in differential diagnostics of benign or non benign lesions, but also in diagnostics of non melanocytic lesions, such as vascular lesions, seborrhoeic keratosis, dermatofibroma, basal cell carcinoma and pyogenic granuloma.
The 3-point checklist (asymmetry of color and structure, atypical network and blue-white structures) was designed as a screening method. The sensitivity is much higher than the specificity to ensure that melanoma are not misdiagnosed. DELM analysis of PSL is based on four algorithms: pattern analysis; the ABCD rule; Menzies' 11-point checklist and Argenziano' 7-point checklist. The basic principle is that pigmented skin lesions are characterized by global patterns and combination of local criteria.
Digital epiluminescence microscopy is a bridge between our standard clinical evaluation of pigmented skin lesions and the histopathological interpretation of those lesions when biopsied
  Keywords: Melanoma; Digital Epiluminescence Microscopy (dermoscopy)  
© Academy of Studenica, 2004